My role is to create all the amazing visuals that children will experience inside our science dome when watching a planetarium show. From awe inspiring views of the Earth from space, to rocket ship flights to the International Space Station, the moon, and Mars.
The most rewarding part of my job is seeing the children’s faces (and hearing their squeals of excitement) when we fly them through space and hearing their questions which show me, they are thinking really hard and being curious about what’s beyond our planet. I also love getting to tap into the creativity of our staff.
Before joining Science Oxford, I studied for a BscHons in Astrophysics from the Open University and have been working in science outreach since 2014. I lived in Vancouver, Canada, for a while and worked at a large science centre called Science World, where I had multiple roles including working in the galleries and, curating ‘The Tinkering Space’. I also travelled to British Columbia delivering science festivals and shows to remote communities and schools, and managing the staff and volunteers in the centre. I also taught engineering to high school students in an after-school club. In my last few years in Vancouver I worked at a few different telescopes, providing star parties and tours for the public and doing some astronomy imaging and data collection. My most recent role was ‘Astronomer’ at the local planetarium. I created and delivered planetarium shows and lectures, special events, exhibits. The most fun part was being interviewed on TV news, radio or podcasts every time some scientific breakthrough or interesting space event happened.
In June 2019, my husband and I returned home to the UK and moved to Oxford so he could study politics. Luckily, the role at Science Oxford came up at just the right time!
I am currently studying part time via distance learning for my Masters in Astrophysics with Liverpool John Moores University. My current research focusses on cosmology and how dark matter influences the formation of galaxies in the universe.
Outside of work, I am a mum to a toddler and I love doing things with him that ignite his curiosity. I have a very old my cat called Sooty (who travelled to Canada and back again with me!). My hobbies include playing guitar, reading books, playing video games, attending talks and lectures, being a Dungeon Master and playing Dungeons and Dragons and pole dancing which I also teach part time.