As Technology Projects Officer, I run the Creative Computing Club (online and in person) and Tech Days at the Science Oxford Centre and outreach workshops for Science Oxford. I work closely with a lot of teachers, organising training events and supporting local networks, like Computing at School and Code Club. I get a real buzz from working with young people – seeing them engaged and excited by science and technology and happy to be learning and challenged.
I love running the Creative Computing Club and enjoy developing our programme to make it even more hands-on and exciting. I have developed lots of sessions using BBC micro:bits and accessories to add ‘offscreen’ excitement, plus a range of other activities like building your own website and coding ‘choose your own adventure’ books. I have also been running longer-term projects such as holiday tech days, after-school clubs, and Robot Camp, to get young people really engaged in computing and technology.
The good thing about my job at Science Oxford is that no week is the same. I learn something new every day, whether it’s how to use a new piece of equipment and interesting science fact or a new programming technique, which means I’m constantly challenged to become the best I can be. And, of course, the people are amazing! I am lucky to be part of such a supportive team and to work with people who are as passionate about science and tech as I am.
After growing up in Derbyshire, I went on to study physics at the University of Birmingham. I stayed on and worked as a science technician in a secondary school and a college for a few years before moving to the south coast. Here, I had a few part time jobs – in a local library, at the Hastings’ Shipwreck Museum but my main role was working for STEM Sussex, an outreach organisation based at the University of Brighton, developing and running engineering and tech events. I realised that was where my passions lay, but I also loved the variety involved in having so many different roles, which is why my job at Science Oxford is such a perfect fit.
Outside of work I enjoy getting outside; walking, running and cycling around my local area and seeing the seasonal changes. I love to make things, so have fun building robots, designing arty circuits, and coding & crafting projects. My favourite bit about making new things is that, although they very rarely work first time, I’m always getting better and learning new skills. I also love to disappear into fantasy and science fiction worlds, so can often be found curling up on the sofa with a good book or TV show!