Science Oxford Centre Operations Manager Dr Emily Fisk advocates that science communication and engagement should be approached through the lens of developing ‘science capital’, requiring dynamic and flexible engagement that […]
Incredible technological developments in computing have given us a virtual world that we can navigate as quickly as our fingertips (and brain) can keep up. Yet today’s computing performance isn’t nearly quick, smart or energy efficient enough for the demands of super-computing, big data, and the future of artificial intelligence (AI). This is where Wood Centre for Innovation-based start-up Lumai, and their quest into deep optics, comes in.
National Tree Week runs from 26 November to 4 December, marking the start of the best period of the year to plant trees. Ignore photographs of dignitaries planting trees in the middle of a hot summer to mark the opening of a new housing development or building project.
Wood Centre for Innovation-based companies Samsara Therapeutics and Human Centric Drug Discovery inspired year 10 students during Science Oxford’s STEM Insight Week and helped shed light on diverse roles and […]
Sounds like magic, but with the right technology we can capitalise on a natural part of the water cycle – condensation – and efficiently draw clean drinking water out of […]