Oxford smart city competition launched
May 9, 2017

The Oxford Trust is excited to announce its involvement in a new commission that will explore how Oxford could be more connected and collaborative.
Oxford is small city with a global reputation – one of the fastest growing cities in the UK with a rich heritage that attracts seven million tourists every year. However, it is also a complex city with neighbourhoods and communities that reach far beyond the dreaming spires of the centre. This new commission, called the Smart Oxford Playable City Commission 2017, challenges creatives from around the world to uncover, reveal and explore the less known parts of Oxford in new and exciting ways. How do we reveal the layers underneath? How can we use technology to encourage new connections in the city? How can we reflect the diversity of experience, from visitors to residents?
The project is being led by Smart Oxford – the strategic programme of a wide range of city partners, including the Trust, which work together to develop and promote Oxford as a smart city – ensuring the efficient and effective use of data and technology for the benefit of all Oxford residents. The vision of Smart Oxford is of a city where innovative ideas, active citizens, and aligned stakeholders come together to co-create a better Oxford, one that is stronger, safer, and both economically and environmentally sustainable.
Smart Oxford will work with the visionary urban change group Playable City to choose a project that will capture the imagination of those who live, visit and work in and around Oxford. Former Conservative minister Lord Heseltine is among the eminent judges.
Artists, designers, architects, technologists and creative practitioners are being invited to come up with distinctive ideas on the theme of using smart city technologies; technologies that will make the city of Oxford more connected and collaborative. The call for applications will remain open until 20 June 2017.
In addition to £30,000, the commission offers dedicated practical support and guidance as well as access to local support to enable the winning team to realise their ideas. They will also become part of the vibrant international Playable City network, providing extensive opportunities for collaboration.
For more information, go to oxfordsmartcity.uk/competition