OxSource supporting Science Oxford’s STEM Careers Programme
July 10, 2020

We are pleased to say that local recruitment company OxSource is supporting our Science Oxford STEM Careers programme this year.
OxSource is a young, dynamic Oxford-based technology recruitment agency. Their STEM graduate programme started in January before the effects of Covid-19 were known but it is an added incentive for John Chapman and his team to assist this year’s cohort, who face a tough job market. Under current circumstances, they are taking time to offer candidates advice about the job market as well as helping with their career search. Aside from their recently-launched graduate programme, OxSource partners with local science and tech companies to help them with recruitment.
Our award-winning Science Oxford STEM Careers Programme is designed to create opportunities for students to gain information, knowledge and skills that could springboard them into a STEM career. We do this by running STEM Career Days, Insight Weeks and Work Experience Placements. The programme aims to address many of the issues that face employers and schools across our region including a lack of STEM-skilled young people coming through education into employment and the lack of awareness of the type of career opportunities available in STEM.D
Since setting up, it has been important to OxSource that they are not just a supplier to the industry but that they also play an active role within it. Aside from supporting Science Oxford, they sponsor and co-organise DevOps Oxford, an established Tech Meet-up group. They also have a “doors always open” approach to offering advice to candidates, clients and other organisations in the local area. Where they can pass on knowledge and assistance, they are happy to do so.
Oxfordshire is a global leader in science and tech. The links between the educational institutions, public organisations and private organisations are well established and create an area of enterprise which will – hopefully – hold true to growth for the future. No one can doubt that in years to come we will need more scientists, engineers and technologists in our region. It is in all of our interests that more young people pursue a career in STEM. Science Oxford’s STEM careers programme gives an insight to what possibilities there are for young people and we appreciate OxSource’s support for the programme. Thank you, OxSource!